Mounting Orchids: 6 Important Tips To Keep Your Orchid Healthy And Beautiful


Mounting orchids in your garden is pretty easy. Orchids are one of the most popular flowers to grow in homes and offices. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, and they require little maintenance. However, as with any other plant, orchids will need some care and attention to stay healthy.

This blog post will give you six tips for mounting your orchids the right way, watering them properly, and keeping them happy. As a result, your orchid will be a beautiful addition to your home for years to come!

Flowing With The Seasons When Mounting Orchids

It’s important to remember that orchids thrive in different environments. Some love sunlight, while others need indirect light. Some want warmer temperatures, while others do best at cooler temperatures. In order to keep your orchid happy and beautiful for years, you’ll have to flow with the seasons.

For example, if it’s winter and your orchid is living in a colder climate, it may not be getting enough light. If this is the case, you’ll have to give it more artificial light during the day so that it gets enough of that warmth and sunlight that it needs. Or if you’re in a hot climate but your orchid is starting to look unhealthy from too much sun exposure, you’ll need to move it out of full sunlight and into an area where it can get some direct light but doesn’t get scorched by the sun.

These are just two examples of how following the seasons will help your orchid stay healthy and beautiful for years to come!

Feeding Your Orchid

Orchids require a more nutrient-rich environment than a typical flower. This means that you will need to fertilize them with a mix of water and fertilizer. You can either use a commercial mix or you can grow your own fertilizer by combining fish emulsion and Epsom salt with water. Fertilizing your orchid will help it stay healthy, as well as produce more blooms and keep the leaves from turning brown.

What To Feed Your Orchid

There are many different kinds of orchids. Some need to be fertilized monthly, while others only need it every six months. Your orchid’s instructions will tell you when it needs to be fed.  A good rule of thumb is that if the potting mix seems really dry, then your orchid probably needs food. You can either use a commercial orchid fertilizer two times per year, or you can use the old-fashioned approach of chicken manure mixed with water and allowed to ferment for 10 days before applying it to the plant.

How Often Should You Feed Your Orchid

One of the most important things you can do to keep your orchid happy is to feed it. You have a few options, but the best option is a plant food suitable for orchids. Feeding your orchid every two weeks with a low-nitrogen fertilizer will help ensure that it has all the nutrients it needs to thrive. If you don’t like using fertilizers, there are other options for feeding your plants.

Flowers can be used as an alternative fertilizer; make sure to use flowers that are free of pesticides and fertilizers. Additionally, if you want to build up your soil’s nutrients naturally, use compost.

Watering An Orchid

The watering requirements for orchids are fairly simple. They need to be watered every five to seven days, but only watered enough to moisten the potting mix. If you notice that there’s a lot of condensation on the pot after watering it, then your orchid might not need as much water as you’re giving it.

You can tell if an orchid needs more water by checking the color and consistency of the potting mix. If it’s dry and powdery, then it needs water; if it’s wet and soggy, it doesn’t need as much water.

How Much Water Should You Give Your Orchid?

If watering your orchid seems daunting, don’t worry. Some simple tricks can help you keep track of when to water your flowers. Make sure to only water the roots of the plant instead of wetting the leaves. This will help prevent root rot and any other fungal diseases.

The frequency at which you should water your orchid depends on its natural environment. For example, if you live in a dry area, the plant may need watering every day while if you live in a humid area, it may only need water once a week.

Make sure to check with your orchard for their recommended watering schedule as they will know better than anyone else how often they require water.

Keeping Your Orchid Happy and Healthy

  • The first step in caring for your orchid is providing the right environment. The key to providing the right environment is six hours of indirect sunlight a day and a spot where it can experience temperatures between 50-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the first step to take after mounting your orchid.
  • You also need to water your orchid appropriately so it stays happy and healthy! Watering is one of the most important parts of keeping an orchid alive! You need to water your plant when the top inch of soil becomes dry – this usually takes about one week. If you notice that the leaves are drooping after watering, then you probably overwatered it. If you overwater your plant too much, then its root system will rot and its leaves will turn brown and curl up at the edges.
  • But if you do not water enough, then its leaves will shrink back from their stems and they will curl up at their edges as well (or become deformed). It’s essential not to over-water or under-water your plants as either can cause problems with growth.


Orchids are one of the easiest flowers to grow and take care of. It is also quite easy to start mountain the orchid with the steps we gave.

Now that you know how to take care of your orchid, go out and buy one! As long as you follow these steps, you can’t go wrong.

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