Rose Companion Plants – Guide in Choosing The Right Plant To Grow Near Roses


If you are a rose lover, then you know that roses need companion plants to grow well. Rose companion plants protect the roses from pests and diseases and provide them with nutrients. 

In this blog post, we will discuss tips on how to choose the right plant for your garden!

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Things To Consider While Choosing The Right Rose Companion Plants

One of the best things about growing roses is that they are not fussy plants. They will grow in a variety of soil types and can tolerate both drought and flooding. However, roses do need some companionship to look their best and to stay healthy. Companion plants protect roses from pests and diseases and provide them with nutrients.

Here are some factors to consider in this regard!

Select Plants That Go Well With Roses

When it comes to rose companion plants, one of the most important things to consider is the plant’s compatibility. Certain plants grow better together than others, and when you garden with compatible plants, both your flowers and vegetables will be healthier and look nicer.

If you want to add roses to your garden, it’s important that you first do some research on companion plants. Not all plants are compatible with roses, and some can actually harm them. For example, plants that are high in nitrogen, like tomatoes and beans, should not be planted near roses. These plants will rob the roses of important nutrients, which can lead to a decline in their health.

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On the other hand, there are many plants that make great companions for roses. Some of these include lavender, thyme, and chamomile. These plants are all high in calcium, which helps to ward off diseases that can harm roses. They also help to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which will help your roses to thrive.

Go For Plants That Keep Pests Away

One of the best reasons to introduce companion plants into your rose garden is that many of them help keep pests away from your roses. It can be frustrating when you go out to look at your beautiful blooms and see evidence of insects or disease on the petals. 

Rose companion plants provide a natural line of defense against these problems, so you can enjoy your roses without having to worry about pests.

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Some plants that work well as companion plants for roses include lavender, chives, garlic, feverfew, and marigolds. Each of these plants has qualities that help protect your roses from pests. 

For example, lavender repels aphids while chives and garlic deter Japanese beetles. Feverfew and marigolds are both effective against nematodes.

Choose plants that offer these benefits, and you’ll be doing your roses a big favor!

Type Of Plant

There are a variety of plants that can be grown as companions to roses. Some popular options include herbs such as basil, chives, and lavender; vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage; and flowers such as impatiens and petunias. 

When choosing rose companion plants, make sure to select one that is compatible with the type of rose you are growing. For example, if you are growing bush roses, then a companion plant that grows tall may not be the best choice.

The Soil Type:

The soil type is an important factor to consider when planting companion plants near roses. Roses prefer slightly acidic, well-drained soil with a pH level of between six and seven. Companion plants that thrive in similar soil conditions will be the best option to plant near your roses. 

If you have heavy clay soil or very sandy soil, there are still a number of plants that can be successfully grown near roses, but you will need to take extra care in selecting plants that do well in those conditions.

Moreover, if your soil is lacking in certain nutrients, you can choose companion plants that will help add those nutrients back into the soil. For example, nitrogen-fixing plants like peas and beans can be grown near roses to improve the overall health of the garden bed.

The Plant’s Size:

Another important factor to consider when choosing rose companion plants is the size of the plant. You’ll want to choose a companion plant that is either the same size or smaller than your roses. A companion plant that is too large can overshadow your rose bushes and prevent them from getting enough sunlight.

The best plants to use as companion plants for roses are those that grow low to the ground and spread out, such as creeping phlox, thyme, or dwarf lavender. These plants will not overshadow your rose bushes and will help to keep the area around them tidy.

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Moreover, you’ll want to avoid planting tall plants near your roses. Tall plants can cause problems by blocking the sun from reaching your rose bushes and may also overshadow them. Some good examples of tall companion plants to avoid are giant hyssop, bee balm, or ornamental grasses.

The Plant’s Shape:

You’ll also want to consider the shape of the companion plant when choosing. For example, if you have a rosebush with sprawling branches, you’ll want to choose a companion plant that has a similar growth habit. A climbing vine would be a good choice for a rosebush with long, trailing branches. If you have a rosebush with a more upright shape, you could choose a companion plant that has a mounding or spreading growth habit.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to place a large plant near a small rose bush. The large plant can overshadow the rose, making it difficult for the rose to get enough sunlight and nutrients.

Go For Plants That Look Beautiful With Roses

When you are planting roses, one of the most important things to consider is what plants will go well with them. There are a number of companion plants that look great near roses and can help improve their appearance. Some plants repel pests while others offer nutrients that roses need to grow healthy and strong.

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One thing to keep in mind when choosing companion plants is the color of both the roses and the other plants. You want to select plants that will create a harmonious look together. Try to avoid planting plants next to your roses that will clash in color or overpower them.

Another important factor to consider is how much space each plant will take up. Make sure you leave enough room for the roses to grow and spread out. If you have a limited amount of space, you may want to consider smaller plants that will work well with roses.

Wrapping Up

Companion planting is a great way to keep your roses healthy and looking their best. By choosing the right plants to grow near your roses, you can help them thrive and resist pests and diseases.

We hope this guide has helped you identify factors that can help choose the perfect rose companion plants.

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